In an effort to strengthen collaboration with community members on City projects, plans, and initiatives, on their own time and from almost anywhere, the City of Denton has launched a new community engagement website called Discuss Denton.
Discuss Denton will serve as the City’s community engagement hub where you can:
Learn about City projects, plans, and initiatives that are currently seeking community input;
Submit feedback and ideas on things you care about;
Complete online survey and polls;
View and engage with neighbors that share their input; and
Ask questions directly to City staff and project teams.
Discuss Denton is an extension of the City’s website and will not replace in-person engagement opportunities, like Denton City Council meeting and Boards and Commission meetings.
From Parks to Traffic safety, the conversation is happening on Discuss Denton. Currently, the City is seeking community engagement on four projects:
The projects, plans and community conversations on Discuss Denton will be updated regularly as new projects get started. In addition, new information and engagement tools will be added to each project as they progress.
To begin sharing ideas, community members should head to Discuss Denton and register. Once registration is complete, you can begin sharing input by participating in a survey about the type of projects and issues you care about.
To learn more about issues impacting our community, register for regular updates, and input opportunities, click HERE to visit Discuss Denton today!