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Friday, February, 7

Denton Residents Invited to Participate in Budget Planning Through Interactive Tool

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The City of Denton is encouraging residents to take an active role in shaping the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget by using the online tool, Balancing Act. This interactive platform allows users to explore how tax dollars are allocated across various essential services and to experiment with different General Fund budget scenarios.

Balancing Act is designed to engage the community by providing a clear view of the budget process and collecting feedback that reflects residents’ priorities. The insights gathered will play a crucial role in the City’s broader efforts to understand what matters most to the community.

In addition to the online tool, residents are also invited to participate in the budget process by attending public hearings scheduled for September 10, 2024, and the budget adoption meeting on September 17, 2024.

To learn more and begin exploring the budget, residents can visit the City’s website at https://bit.ly/3XdrupM.

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