58.5 F
Tuesday, December, 3

Notice of Public Hearing: MPA24-0004 Hummingbird Lane Mobility Plan Amendment

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The City of Denton City Council will hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance of the City of Denton, Texas, regarding a city-initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendment to modify the Thoroughfare Plan and Thoroughfare Map of the Mobility Plan. The amendment includes but is not limited to modifying the current road classification of a future Hummingbird Lane section from Secondary Arterial to Collector.  The proposal is generally located east of the intersection of Hummingbird Lane and North Loop 288 and extends east toward the intersection of Mills Road and North Mayhill Road in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas.

Agent: City of Denton, Development Services Department
Phone: (940) 349-8585
MPA24-0004 1-BW Notification MapCity Council Public Hearing:
Tuesday, November 19, 6:30 pm
City Hall, City Council Chambers
215 E McKinney Street
Denton, TX 76201

The meeting is being held in person. For information on how to participate, visit www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings

Any citizen or group of citizens interested in attending the public hearing is invited to do so. If you plan to attend, you will be given an opportunity to speak for or against the request, or you may attend only to observe. 

For more information, please contact Sahar Esfandyari at (940) 349-8217 or [email protected]; or, on November 15, 2024, visit www.cityofdenton.com/public-meetings for the meeting agenda with staff’s analysis and associated exhibits.


Source: City of Denton - Notices

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