54.3 F
Thursday, February, 6

Water Service for Residents in the Glenn Gary-Area Neighborhood

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Glenn Gary-Area Residents:

Over the last three days, approximately 130 residents on or near Glenn Gary Way, across McKinney Street from Ryan High School have been experiencing intermittent water supply interruptions.

These interruptions are caused by a section of the water main along McKinney Street, which has significant deterioration and has continued to develop new leaks. These recurring leakshave required City of Denton maintenance crews to shut off the flow of water in the line on several occasions to make repairs. We understand your frustration with this repeated loss of water and can assure you everything is being done to permanently restore service.

As part of the McKinney widening project, a new water main has already been put in place that will replace this line and staff is currently working on expediting the process for getting this new section in service in the next 7 to 10 days. City of Denton water department personnel are working as quickly as possible to correct the situation and will continue to make the repairs necessary to maintain water supply in this area until the new water main is in service. However, additional water service interruptions are likely. Denton water personnel will begin distributing bottled water to the impacted residents Saturday, October 17 so that residents will have drinkable water in the event of another leak.

For further information or questions please contact Casey Bowles at 940-349-8489. Additionally, information on any additional leaks and repairs will be posted to www.cityofdentonnews.com/post/glenngary and the City’s Twitter account (@cityofdentontx) and Nextdoor bit.ly/DentonNextdoor.

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