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Friday, February, 7

UNT Housing reverses course, will offer refunds to students who move out

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Reversing course from previously stated policy, UNT Housing will now offer refunds to students who choose to move out starting on March 23.

“Students who choose to leave university housing and complete their coursework elsewhere will be given a prorated housing refund based on their move-out date,” Housing said in an email to students. “Any remaining dining credits will be applied to a dining plan of choice for the 2020-2021 academic year.”

Originally, UNT Housing said students would not receive refunds on their housing or dining.

Residence and dining halls will be remaining open for students who choose to stay in their residence hall through the rest of the semester.

For further questions regarding housing or dining accounts, UNT Housing is asking people to call them at 940-565-2610.

Featured Image: Front entrance path under construction in front of Clark Hall on Jan. 13, 2020. Image by Theophilus Bowie

Article Originally Published by on North Texas Daily

Source: North Texas Daily

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