8/14/2020 12:00:00 AM
The City of Denton City Council will hold a public hearing and consider adoption of an ordinance regarding a request by Evolving Texas and Pedcor Companies on behalf of the property owner for a Specific Use Permit to allow a multi-family development.
The 16.2 acre site is generally located on the northwest corner of Duchess Drive and Loop 288, in the City of Denton, Denton County, Texas.
AGENT: John Cornelsen, Evolving Texas
PHONE: (817) 529-2700
City Council Public Hearing:
Tuesday September 1, 2020 at 6:30 pm
The meeting is being held virtually. For information on how to participate, visit www.cityofdenton.com/publicmeetings.
Any citizen or group of citizens interested in attending the public hearing is invited to do so. If you attend, you will be given an opportunity to speak for or against the change, or you may attend only to observe. Applicants and their agents are expected to attend.
Properties within 200 feet of the subject property were notified of the request pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code. As a courtesy, the City of Denton also sends notification to all physical addresses within a 500-foot radius of the subject property.
City Council may approve any request which is equivalent to or more restrictive than that which is requested and which is deemed consistent with Denton Plan 2030.
For more information, please contact Julie Wyatt at (940) 349-8585 or julie.wyatt@cityofdenton.com; or, on August 28, 2020, visit www.cityofdenton.com/public-meetings for the meeting agenda with staff’s analysis and associated exhibits.
Julie Wyatt, (940)349-8585, julie.wyatt@cityofdenton.com
Source: City of Denton - Notices