Council Adopts Eleventh Order of Council That Supersedes Previous Orders
DENTON, TX, Dec. 18, 2020 – On Thursday, Dec. 17, the Denton City Council voted to extend the Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency first executed by Mayor Chris Watts on Friday, March 13. The declaration will now be in effect through 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
In addition, the Council adopted a new Eleventh Order of Council, which will supersede previous orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new Order shall be in effect beginning 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020 through 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
Included within the Eleventh Order of Council:
- All commercial and non-profit entities providing goods or services directly to the public are required to develop and maintain a health and safety policy that:
- Incorporates face covering and social distancing requirements of gubernatorial order GA-29;
- Must be posted conspicuously at or near any commercial or non-profit entity in the City of Denton in clear view of any employees or members of the public entering the business;
- Fees and charges relating to the nonpayment of utilities will not accrue during the period for which the order is in effect;
- The City Manager maintains the authority to create standard operating procedures and administrative directives, as necessary, to protect the safety of employees and the public, including adopting procedures and directives related to personnel, or to open, close, or otherwise alter the operation of facilities or services of the City of Denton; and
- The City Manager is authorized to expend no more $3,250,000, including previously authorized funds, from the general fund reserve balance during this period to fund essential response activities and functions not already budgeted. Of this amount, $250,000 will be authorized for housing assistance.
- An additional $125,000 in funding for utility assistance will be authorized.
All gubernatorial orders, such as GA-29 and GA-32, remain in effect. This includes face covering and social distancing requirements for individuals. Information relating to housing and rental assistance is attached to this release. Residents needing utility assistance are asked to call City of Denton Customer Service at 940-349-8700 in order to be referred to a utility assistance provider.
A copy of the Order of Council and its full provisions is attached and will be available online at Visit for additional updates.
Contact: Ryan Adams, (940) 349-8565,