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Friday, February, 7

From the December 8th, “Friday Staff Reports to City Council”

Denton Stories

From the January 3rd, “Friday Staff Reports to City Council” Government

The Friday Staff Report to City Council provides weekly...
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The Friday Staff Report to City Council provides weekly updates between staff and Council, covering a range of topics from policy proposals to infrastructure concerns. Highlights include a proposed policy for menstrual products in city facility restrooms, the launch of FindHelp Denton County—a digital resource directory—and a delayed opening of the Municipal Court on December 20th for staff activities. The report also acknowledges Patriot Awards given to three city employees for supporting a police sergeant during military deployment, and Arianna Such of the Parks and Recreation Department receiving the TRAPS Horizon Award. Council Member Meltzer addressed asphalt failure on Bonnie Brae Street and concerns about a high manhole cover, with repairs and temporary measures underway. The Elm Street/Locust Street turnback project with TxDOT is progressing, and Mayor Hudspeth discussed construction delays on Sycamore and Industrial Streets affecting business accessibility, with paving scheduled to begin soon.

General Information

Pending Council Requests Work Session Topics – The Dec. 12 Council Work Session will discuss, as per Ordinance No. 23-1431, a proposal for a policy mandating menstrual products in all city facility restrooms.

FindHelp Denton County Resource Directory Released – A collaboration between Denton County, the City of Lewisville, and the City has led to the release of a digital resource directory. This online tool, FindHelp Denton County, provides community members with information on support services and programs, including food access, medical care, and job training.

Municipal Court Delayed Opening on Dec. 20 – The Municipal Court will open late at 9:30 a.m. on Dec. 20 to allow staff to participate in a holiday breakfast and team activities. Online services for case information and payment will remain available.

Patriot Awards – Three City of Denton employees received Patriot Awards from the Department of Defense for supporting Police Sgt. J.R. Velasquez during his military deployment. The awards recognize employers who support National Guard and Reserve members.

PARD Staff Member Wins TRAPS Horizon Award – Arianna Such, Special Event Supervisor, won the Horizon Award from the Texas Recreation and Park Society for her exceptional work and contributions to the Parks Department and the City.

IOOF Cemetery – During the Dec. 5 City Council meeting, it was clarified that the IOOF Cemetery, owned by the City of Denton, had a deed restriction preventing the burial of non-white persons, as previously mentioned in the Feb. 18, 2022, Friday Report.

Council Member Requests

Bonnie Brae Asphalt Failure – Council Member Meltzer reported an asphalt failure on Bonnie Brae Street. Repairs by the contractor, covered under warranty, began on Nov. 29 and are expected to be completed by Dec. 15, depending on the weather.

Bonnie Brae Manhole Cover – Concerns were raised about a high manhole cover on South Bonnie Brae near Willowwood Street. Temporary measures have been taken to mitigate the issue, with full-depth reconstruction planned as part of the Bonnie Brae Phase 3 project.

Timeline on Elm Street/Locust Street Turnback – In response to an inquiry from Council Member Meltzer about the Elm Street/Locust Street turnback, the final agreements are being completed for transferring ownership from TxDOT. TxDOT will reconstruct the southern part of the streets before transfer, starting in Q2 2024. The northern part, a capital project, is at 60% design with construction expected in Q4 2024.

Construction on Sycamore and Industrial Street – Mayor Hudspeth raised concerns about business accessibility due to construction delays on Sycamore and Industrial Streets. The project faced delays due to unforeseen issues and adverse weather, but efforts are being made to provide access and parking. Paving is scheduled for Dec. 12.

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