Denton under Public Health Warning due to Positive West Nile Virus Samples
DENTON, TX, June 24, 2020 – On June 24th, the City of Denton entered Risk Level 4 – Public Health Warning of the Mosquito Surveillance and Response Plan. Risk Level 4 was triggered because a sample of mosquitoes collected on June 22 from a trap located at the City Service Center, on Texas Street, tested positive for West Nile virus. This is the second positive sample this season.
At Risk Level 4, the City will continue to conduct routine surveys of adult mosquitoes, which will be identified to species level and screened for the presence of viruses. The locations where disease-carrying mosquitoes were captured will be indicated on a map that is available on the City of Denton’s website at The amount of biological agents (Bti) applied to kill mosquito larva will be increased over previous Risk Level amounts. The City will also increase public education emphasizing source reduction, personal protection, and disease symptoms.
While the City is working proactively to control mosquito populations and lower the threat of West Nile virus, citizen involvement is essential. “Mosquito control efforts in past seasons have been successful, which would not have been possible without the source reduction and larviciding efforts of Denton citizens,” said Deborah Viera, Assistant Director of Environmental Services.
Eliminating breeding grounds is the most important and effective mosquito prevention measure. Help the City control Denton’s mosquito population by eliminating standing water from these and other areas and your property:
The City of Denton Water Utilities Department has a limited supply of Bti briquettes that residents can pick up in limited quantities (two per resident) while the supply lasts. Residents will be required to show their driver’s license or a current City of Denton utility bill to prove Denton residency.
City Bti distribution locations:
Customer Service, located at City Hall East, 601 E. Hickory St., Ste F. (Corner of Hickory Street and Railroad Avenue); Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
City of Denton Composting, located at 1100 S. Mayhill Rd. in the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Facility; Tuesday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Detailed information about the steps residents can take to reduce the mosquito population and increase their protection against West Nile virus can be found at Other resources include the Texas Department of Health Services website at and the Denton County Health Department website at
Contact: Deborah Viera, (940) 349-7162,